Soul — Body

Soul — Body is a book you have to kill in order to read. All about death as the separation between the soul and the body.

An editorial project about different understandings of the soul-body duality, illustrated with graphic exercises, diagrams and photographs to better understand the ideas, the context and the arguments of each theory and their evolution through history. It is presented in two attached volumes, totally dependent on each other, opposites but complementaries, generating a physical metaphor of this duality. Therefore, reading should be made in both volumes simultaneously.

Project submitted to the ISTD Student Contest.

Soul Body_istd_portada_3Soul Body_istd_portadaSoul Body_istd_portada_4Soul Body_istd_portada_2Soul Body_istd_guardas_1Soul Body_istd_guardas_2Soul Body_istd_interior_2Soul Body_istd_interior_4Soul Body_istd_interior_1Soul Body_istd_interior_5Soul Body_istd_interior_3Soul Body_istd_contraportada
Type design

Also to get a more complete identity I decided to create a typeface for headlines and captions, which I have called Soul. A font that contrasts sharply with the body text and continues the concept, it is a very synthetic, condensed light sans, so that each letter comes down to its soul. The curves are reduced to angles of 45 degrees, with a narrow module to use in small bodies without losing legibility or large bodies optimizing the space. I use it with a very open track, to highlight the lightness and its modular design.

Soul Body_istd_typeface_typography